
A model aligned with the circular economy

SELEV PET INDUSTRY is committed to a business model based on the circular economy, which demonstrates to our customers the commitment to work with a company that cares for the environment and defends a higher quality of life.



We must maintain the value of products and their components as long as possible within the economy. This future model provides protection to the environment and promotes innovations that provide competitive advantages.

Innovation and economic growth..

Natural resources and economic growth must go hand in hand. New business models based on the circular economy as well as new technologies favor innovation and create more economic value.

Sustainable consumption and opportunity for new jobs..

The innovation associated with the concepts of Reuse, Reduce and Recycle results in behavior that reflects more sustainable consumption and job creation by generating new areas of work.

Improvements in the supply of raw materials

Maintaining the value of products over time, or the return of by-products to the economy as reusable materials, reduces demand for virgin raw materials and imports dependence.

Reduce environmental impact to the minimum possible

Extending products’ shelf life through reuse and recycling, reducing the extraction of virgin raw materials, etc., will make products environmental impact decrease dramatically.


We carry out a correct separation of the containers and the organic fractions of SANDACH 3 that we manage in order to give them a second useful life or a longer use, thus reducing the volume of the garbage and reducing the impact on the environment.


We take advantage of our own waste to reduce energy consumption and water consumption because it means making a really important contribution to the environment. This policy has led us to drastically reduce the emission of polluting, harmful or toxic gases.


We convert biowaste into high quality proteins and fats for the petfood, feed and aquafeed industries. Thanks to the collection of these bio-residues in special containers, we extend their life cycle, save raw materials and take care of the environment through less gas emissions.